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Anju has instilled her manchaha with the beautiful energies of her home. Her in-laws are also weavers and have two looms installed at her house. Recently, both looms received orders for manchaha rugs at the same time. When the materials arrived, Anju was surprised that her in-laws had received huge bundles of shiny silk while she had received less. She wanted her creation to look bright and cheerful, so she innocently asked her in-laws if she could have some of their silk. They happily agreed, and Anju began the beautiful journey of creating “Shobha.” The first thing that caught her attention was the railing of her home. The railing had lotus motifs and pitcher pots that held deep symbolic meanings of wisdom, abundance, and prosperity. Anju infused her manchaha with the same energies which will enlighten the space where her manchaha rug is placed. Its name, “Shobha,” which translates to beauty and grace, aims to spread an aura to its surroundings just as her home.
Anju Devi
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