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‘Majnun’ is a testament to those who are besotted, crazy in love. As a collection, the rugs explore historic design traditions from across the Indian Subcontinent. Seeped into the legacies of craftsmanship along the Silk Route, the collection takes inspiration from the ancient cultures of Persia, China, and India and interprets them into a modern idiom, for a global audience. The carpets incorporate the concept of the “Persian flaw”, intentionally leaving imperfections in each rug to honor the belief that only God’s creations are perfect. In spirit, this collection is a celebration of designers, dreamers, and carpet makers across centuries. Each carpet is a meticulously hand-knotted ode to the Majnus of the world. Every rug, then, is a love letter from us and Pavitra Rajaram, to you!
Bahaar finds its inspiration in a traditional Shikargah – a type of design that depicts hunting scenes. Traditionally, it featured hunters wielding weapons while pursuing wild animals. Shikargahs have been much glorified in Persian and Mughal designs, including a mid-17th century embroidered silk coat housed in London’s V&A Museum. Our Bahaar, while paying tribute to an ancient tradition, however, is a space where animals aren’t hunted at all. Rather they frolic and play in a natural forest that protects them.
Available Sizes: 5’x8′, 6’x9′, 8’x10′, 9’x12′, 10’x14′, 4’x9′, custom size
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